די 'איבערטייטשן ארטיקלען' טעמע

שמועסן ארום דעם טישל אויף א לייכטערן אופן
זיבן פעטע קוען
אקטיווער באניצער
פאוסטס: 292
זיך איינגעשריבן: פרייטאג יוני 07, 2024 3:09 pm
x 295

די 'איבערטייטשן ארטיקלען' טעמע

פאוסט דורך זיבן פעטע קוען »

איינער קען ביטע דאס איבער טייטשן און אידיש?

What is the story of Fruita’s “headless chicken”?
Mike is a chicken who lived for 18 months without a head after escaping the fate of becoming dinner.

It all started with the Olsen family, who were farmers living in Fruita, Colorado in September of 1945. During the 40’s many farmers supplemented their rations with selling eggs, milk, chicken, and preserving food. The Olsens were no different and were preparing a batch of 40-50 chickens for market. Lloyd would cut heads and Clara would pluck and clean the chickens. It is not uncommon for a chicken to flop or stagger for a few minutes after beheading, but one young rooster was still alive after processing of chickens was done for the day. When Lloyd realized that one of the chickens was still alive the next morning, he decided to see if he could keep it alive. Before long, word spread around the neighborhood and local folks were coming by to see the headless chicken at the Olsen farm.

A promoter named Hope Wade heard about the famous chicken and came by to see it. He convinced the
Olsens to take the chicken over to the University of Utah in Salt Lake to see if scientists could document that there truly was a “headless chicken” living in Fruita, Colorado. Scientists determined that part of one ear, the jugular vein, and the base of the brain that controls motor functions were left intact allowing Mike to continue to live on. Local papers in Salt Lake were spreading the news that a chicken was alive without a head and in their town for a visit. Folks wanted to see the famous fowl and a small side show was set up in Salt Lake. Before long, Life magazine came out to Salt Lake to take photos that would be featured in the magazine in October 22, 1945. Only a month and a half after Mike’s beheading, he was featured in one of the country’s most prominent magazines!

Mike’s next stop was a sideshow attraction on the boardwalk in Long Beach, California. The boardwalk was a popular attraction with wartime troops and Mike was well received. As Lloyd Olsen put it “When the big ships would come in those sailors would flock to see Mike.”. A ticket to see Mike at the sideshow was $0.25 (the equivalent of about $2.50 today) and there are estimates that at his peak, Mike was drawing in up to 600 people a day. In his life, Mike not only graced the sideshow of Long Beach but also went to Phoenix, Arizona and the Southeast USA.

Mike continued to grow as a normal chicken would and spent time on the farm with the rest of the flock. Mike would come back to the Fruita farm between attractions for periods of up to a month or two. The story of Mike brought many letters to the small town of Fruita, Colorado. The Olsens and the mayor of Fruita often had full mailboxes with the varied opinions of citizens interested in Mike. The country was fascinated with Mike and he continued to impress audiences via magazine, newspaper, and at side shows until his untimely demise. Clara Olsen was a thorough documenter of Mike the Headless Chicken including the included photos, ticket stubs, letters and more that were put into the “Mike Scrapbook” owned by the family. The scrapbook has been used for countless interviews with the press and used to create the book The Official Mike the Headless Chicken Book by Teri Thomas.
גיימער בויען אידטיש אינאיינעם
#טראמפ 47
נייעס און אלעס איבער דעם
שאינו יודע לשאול
אידטיש נייעס באריכטער
פאוסטס: 4399
זיך איינגעשריבן: מאנטאג פעברואר 05, 2024 10:20 am
x 12864

Re: איבער טייטשן ארטיקלען טעמע

פאוסט דורך שאינו יודע לשאול »

וואס האט עס מיט פאעזיע?
הכל ריוח
חבר המערכת
פאוסטס: 126
זיך איינגעשריבן: דאנערשטאג מערץ 28, 2024 2:31 pm
Location: ביים טיש
x 328

Re: איבער טייטשן ארטיקלען טעמע

פאוסט דורך הכל ריוח »

שאינו יודע לשאול האט געשריבן: זונטאג יוני 16, 2024 11:36 am וואס האט עס מיט פאעזיע?
זיבן פעטע קוען
אקטיווער באניצער
פאוסטס: 292
זיך איינגעשריבן: פרייטאג יוני 07, 2024 3:09 pm
x 295

Re: איבער טייטשן ארטיקלען טעמע

פאוסט דורך זיבן פעטע קוען »

הכל ריוח האט געשריבן: זונטאג יוני 16, 2024 11:57 am
שאינו יודע לשאול האט געשריבן: זונטאג יוני 16, 2024 11:36 am וואס האט עס מיט פאעזיע?
איך מיין מען זאל עס אנדערש ריקן צו ארטיקלען הויפט טעמע
גיימער בויען אידטיש אינאיינעם
#טראמפ 47
נייעס און אלעס איבער דעם
זיבן פעטע קוען
אקטיווער באניצער
פאוסטס: 292
זיך איינגעשריבן: פרייטאג יוני 07, 2024 3:09 pm
x 295

Re: איבער טייטשן ארטיקלען טעמע

פאוסט דורך זיבן פעטע קוען »

איינער קען עס ביטע איבער טייטשן
ס'וואלט געווען א גרויסע טובה
גיימער בויען אידטיש אינאיינעם
#טראמפ 47
נייעס און אלעס איבער דעם
שרייב פאוסט